When your neighbour’s business shuts you down, wipes out your State bank - and, health officials tell you to just stay home and wear a mask.


For more than a century, epidemic outbreaks have occured with animal slaughter at their center. This means that each was preventable. However, treatment has never included prevention. In fact, epidemics were described as “normal” and “seasonal” to experience, such as the flu, despite the maps and data.

Government and medical response continually focused only on treating symptoms, never prevention of animal slaughter industry. Perhaps this was and is still because farmed animals are considered food and that farmed animals are considered “normal”. If so, this enabled the extremes of farmed animal and slaughter operations which accordingly worsened the medical conditions humans suffer from meat-consumption.

Farmed animals themselves are pharmaceutically vulnerable and compromised so severely. Their entire immunity memory has been wiped out by 150 years of non-ageing. Their tissue is inflammed from birth , because of confinement. The statements of “health” and “safety” by the European Food and Safety Authority regarding meat as an edible substance is based on decisions that remove the observations of severe anaerobic pathogens, including those which wer the few remaining minimum healthy flora in animal gut and blood of farmed animals that turn hostile in the presence of slaughter-stress, transportation-stress, food-stress, pain-stress, terror and crowding. The same is true across all spectrum of warm-blooded air-breathing life: Farmed animal consumption and exposure is toxic and not safe. It leads to outbreaks of epidemic and pandemic threat proportions, nothing less.

Operating businesses or hosting events near animal slaughter products is equally deadly leading to antimicrobial resistant pathogens in humans, and immunoreactivity along the digestive tract, the highest of infection which comes from the exposure of meat-virus anaerobic bacteria complexes in the small intestine. These kill neurons and burn through the intestinal wall immediately, which sets off the cascade of inflammation, cytokine storms, blood pressure increase and cardiopulmonary damage we see in victims of COVID19, plus brain damage, organ damage and stem cell assault.

Meat is not safe.

-F. H. Campbell, M.E., B.E.

Mapping Covid-19 outbreaks in the food system

By Leah DouglasApril 22, 2020

Since April, FERN has been closely tracking the spread of Covid-19 at meatpacking plants, food processing facilities, and farms. This dashboard is home to our latest reporting on Covid-19 cases and food system workers, and is updated each weekday.

According to data collected by FERN, as of December 7 at 12pm ET, at least 1,231 meatpacking and food processing plants (551 meatpacking and 680 food processing) and 268 farms and production facilities have had confirmed cases of Covid-19. At least 74,943 workers (49,776 meatpacking workers, 13,866 food processing workers, and 11,301 farmworkers) have tested positive for Covid-19 and at least 339 workers (254 meatpacking workers, 46 food processing workers, and 39 farmworkers) have died.

The interactive map below shows the location of plants and farms where cases of Covid-19 and/or deaths have been reported. Hover over the icons for details on each facility. In some locations, you’ll need to zoom in to see all of the affected facilities.


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Pandemic-Free(TM) Anti-outbreak Certification: Yes. For Prevention rather than Treatment.